Niblo (1874-1948)
Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford (1916) Officer 666 (1916) The Marriage Ring (1918) When Do We Eat ? (1918) Fuss and Feathers (1918) Happy Though Married (1919) The Haunted Bedroom (La chambre hantée)
(1919) The Law of Men (1919) Partners Three (1919) The Virtuous Thief (1919) Stepping Out (A l'ombre du
bonheur) (1919) What Every Woman Learns (1919) The Woman in the Suitcase (1920) Dangerous Hours (1920) Sex (1920) The False Road (1920) Hairpins (1920) Her Husband's Friend (1920) The Mark of Zorro (Le signe
de Zorro) (1920) Silk Hosiery (1921) Mother o' Mine (1921) Greater Than Love (1921) The Three Musketeers (Les trois mousquetaires)
(1921) The Woman He Married (1922) Rose o' the Sea (1922) Blood and Sand (Arènes sanglantes) (1922) The Famous Mrs. Fair (1923) Strangers of the Night (Les étrangers de la nuit) (1923) Thy Name is Woman (Guerrita)
(1924) The Red Lily (1924) Ben Hur (id.) (1925) [sortie France en 1933] The Temptress (La Tentatrice) (1926) Camille (La dame
aux camélias) (1927) The Devil Dancer (1927) The Enemy (L'Ennemie) (1928) Two Lovers (Le masque de cuir) (1928) The Mysterious Lady (La belle ténébreuse)
(1928) Dream of Love (Cœur de
tzigane) (1928) Redemption (Rédemption)
(1930) Way Out West (Le
chemin de l’Ouest) (1930) Young Donovan's Kid (Son
gosse) (1931) The Big Gamble (1931) Two White Arms (1932) Diamond Cut Diamond
(Les Internationaux) (1932) [avec M. Elvey] |